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Zafer Özyiğit Troy Karma & Kehanet Astroloji Ekolü Sola Unitas Yaşam ve Takım Koçluğu


There will be a Libra full moon in a couple of hours. When we examine both classical and draconic charts, we realise that both very soft but in the meantime very rough energies are floating! We can experience some repressed feelings bursting out in reaaally dramatic ways from being really angry to crying out load! We can feel some parts within us are collapsing! But remember, if any energy in any live system; from a relationships to a building, or a company, whatever it is; has to collapse if it is not beneficial for  the person himself or even for the community anymore.


But the good news is whole week is soo great for praying, worshipping in the way you choose. Pluton is squaring the full moon which is quite a hard aspect! The best way to protect ourselves from this aspect would be to help the people who need support! This can be someone from work, from the building you live in, or you can get help from some charity organisations.


If there is new man a figure in your life that look very supportive, friendly or helpful, this person might give you harm in the coming days. This can be your new bos sor might be a nwe relationship, a new partnership etc. So this is valid for both women and men followers.

Actually, rest of the year has a risk withing love relationships to find someone hiding one’s true self and showing off…


Have a nice full moon!



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