SECONDARY PROGRESSIONS by Robert P. Blaschke - Laden Baygın
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1) Physical
a) increased vitality and energy • progressed Sun, Mars, ascendant or ascendant ruler aspecting
natal Sun, Mars, Jupiter or Uranus and/or progressed Moon in natal 1st/5th/9th houses
b) decreased vitality and energy • progressed Sun, Mars, ascendant or ascendant ruler aspecting
natal Saturn or Neptune and/or progressed Moon in natal 4th/8th/12th houses
c) increased sexual desire • progressed Venus, Mars or 5th/8th house ruler aspecting natal Mars,
Jupiter, Uranus or Pluto and/or progressed Moon in natal 5th/8th houses
d) decreased sexual desire • progressed Venus, Mars or 5th/8th house ruler aspecting natal Saturn
or Neptune and/or progressed Moon in natal 3rd/7th/11th houses

2) Emotional
a) feelings of vulnerability • progressed Moon, Venus or IC ruler aspecting natal Moon, Saturn,
Neptune or Pluto and/or progressed Moon in natal 4th/8th/12th houses
b) feelings of strength and confidence • progressed Moon, Venus or IC ruler aspecting natal Sun or
Jupiter and/or progressed Moon in natal 1st/5th/9th houses
c) memories of childhood • progressed Moon or IC ruler aspecting natal Saturn or Pluto and/or
progressed Moon in natal 4th/10th houses

3) Intellectual
a) good mental discipline • progressed Mercury or 3rd/6th house ruler aspecting natal Saturn or
b) increased thought activity • progressed Mercury or 3rd/6th house ruler aspecting natal Jupiter or
Uranus and/or progressed Moon in natal 3rd/6th/9th/12th houses
c) poor concentration/scattered mind • progressed Mercury or 3rd/6th house ruler aspecting natal
Moon, Jupiter or Neptune
d) returning to college for additional education • progressed Sun aspecting natal 9th house ruler
and/or progressed Moon in natal 3rd/9th houses
e) writing a book • progressed Mercury or 3rd/6th house ruler aspecting Jupiter or Saturn and/or
progressed Moon in natal 3rd/9th houses

4) Spiritual
a) increased longing or spiritual loneliness • progressed Sun aspecting natal Jupiter, Neptune or
Pluto and/or progressed Moon in natal 8th/9th/12th houses
b) decreased spiritual awareness • progressed Sun aspecting Venus or Saturn and/or progressed
Moon in natal 2nd/6th/10th houses
c) strange symbolic or archetypal dream activity • progressed Sun, Mercury or 3rd/6th house ruler
aspecting natal Uranus or Neptune and/or progressed Moon in natal 12th house
d) thoughts of death • progressed Sun, Mercury or 3rd/6th house ruler aspecting natal Pluto and/or
progressed Moon in natal 8th house
5) Marriage/Family/Children/Social
a) new love relationship • progressed Sun, Venus or 5th/7th house ruler aspecting natal Jupiter,
Uranus or Neptune and/or progressed Moon in natal 5th/7th/11th houses
b) separation and divorce • progressed Venus or 7th house ruler aspecting natal Saturn, Uranus,
Neptune or Pluto
c) challenges with females • progressed Moon or Venus aspecting natal Saturn or Pluto
d) challenges with males • progressed Sun or Mars aspecting natal Saturn or Pluto
e) harmonious family times • progressed Moon or IC ruler aspecting natal Venus or Jupiter
f) challenges with children • progressed Moon or 5th house ruler aspecting natal Saturn, Uranus,
Neptune or Pluto
g) difficult labor/birth • progressed Moon aspecting natal Mars or Saturn

6) Career
a) change in career • progressed midheaven or 10th house ruler aspecting natal Uranus or Pluto
and/or progressed Moon in natal 4th house
b) success in career • progressed Sun, midheaven or 10th house ruler aspecting natal Jupiter or
Saturn and/or progressed Moon in natal 10th house
c) loss of interest in career • progressed Sun, midheaven or 10th house ruler aspecting natal
Neptune or Pluto

1994 Robert P. Blaschke
This article first appeared in the March 1995 issue of The Mountain Astrologer

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